The Bowmaker – handmade no°1
2018 | 12min | 2.35:1 | BMPCC, GH5, Alpha7
The Bowmaker is the very first part of a season of profiles from people doing awesome crafts with their hands. No big machinary, no line production – these people love what they do because they do it mostly for themselves. Profit and reward comes from success not from marketing plans. These people love their life, they go through struggles with the belief of it’s inheritant message for their path.
The Bowmaker does what we think. He makes wooden bows from different timbers such as Yew, Beech, Assage Orange, Rattan and more. Over the time he build up many friendships to people that help him in many ways. People he met on his path. Meetings with purpose.
Shot & Directed: Ulf Wogenstein
Sound, Edit & Color: also
Music: Skies Speak, Tristan Barton, Kyle Preston, Oren Tsor