imagine swimming

2016 | 90 min | 1,78:1 | F5 Arri HS Primes

Can you swim? And if not, would you admit it? Let’s suggest you could, did you ever swam really far out into the sea? Or do you love the security of the limiting lanes in a pool?
Our seven protagonists Monika, Manfred, Karin, Cevat, Eun-Sook, Erika and Sigrid all are above 60 years of age and went through the adventure of learning to swim. In our movie we walk along their fears together. Eventually after crying, laughing and dancing we go for swim.

Trockenschwimmen – Trailer 2016 from cineimpulsleipzig on Vimeo.

Monika Leber Ulrich, Manfred Glöckner, Karin Poppe, Erika Krämer, Sigrid Fiebinger, Eun Sook Kim, Cevat Eren, Hans-Jörg Lang, Kater Carlo, Chefchen

written & directed: Susanne Kim
Cinematographer: Emma Rosa Simon
2nd Unit Camera: Ulf Wogenstein
Sound: Daniel Fischer
Choreography: Heike Hennig
Editor: Marion Tour
Sound Design: Rafael Klitzing
Color: Kay Dombrowsky
Postproduction: Dirk Nebel
Production Coordination: Malte Wilms, Anke Guderle
Line Producer: Evelyn Wenzel[MDR] TV Editor: Torsten Hübner[MDR] Producer: Holm Tadikken